, the first online classifieds site to pay users for listing their ads and one of the few to offer video classifieds, has just added auctions to their list of features, making it the first website to offer video auctions. offers standard classified listings like Craigslist, a Business Directory similar to the Yellow Pages, and now auction-style sales similar to eBay, all that allow video uploading capabilities like YouTube.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL (PRWEB) August 7, 2008 --, the first online classifieds site to pay users for listing their ads and one of the few to offer video classifieds, has just added auctions to their list of features, making it the first website to offer video auctions. offers standard classified listings like Craigslist, a Business Directory similar to the Yellow Pages, and now auction-style sales similar to eBay, all that allow video uploading capabilities like YouTube.
"We decided to implement auctions because many of our users were asking for that capability," says Melanie Heywood, Founder and CEO of "Also, we know many people are frustrated with the high fees at eBay, so we wanted to offer some relief from that. And including video in auctions offers a layer of detail you simply can't achieve with just a photo or text, so we hope it will help sellers achieve more success."
Right now, pays its users to list their auctions, as well as regular classified ads, something that sets the site apart from ordinary free classifieds sites. With their Pay Per Listing Program, when an ad is placed in an eligible category, the user will receive 25 cents per listing. Eligible categories include Stuff for Sale, Free Stuff, and non-commercial Real Estate, Rentals and Vehicles. pays users once a month, with no minimum rewards amount required to receive payment. Eligible ads must include at least one original photo or video to get paid to list.
Unlike other video classifieds sites that require users to include a video in their ad, Listasaurus users can list classifieds and auctions with or without videos, and with or without photos---whatever works best for the individual. Listasaurus is totally committed to giving its users choices.
"The new auction capability will benefit users because some people prefer the auction format to classifieds, where they might be able to get a higher ending sale price due to demand for an item, rather than just a set price," explains Listasaurus Vice President Anderson Pinto. "We've also had some users say they never know what to charge for their items, so auctions give them a way to let the public decide what the price should be."
To learn more, visit
Source: PRWeb
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