Friday, July 18, 2008

Why are men so fat?

Weight-loss expert Harvey Brooker says the reasons for weight gain in men are very different from those associated with overweight women.

Toronto, ON (PRWEB) July 18, 2008 -- With 65% of North American men overweight, men clearly need a different solution than the diet plans and weight-loss programs that are tailored for women. According to men's weight loss expert and author Harvey Brooker, "understanding how you became overweight will make it possible for you to see exactly where you need to go."

Brooker argues that there are conditions that are specific to men that lead to weight gain:

Men are conditioned to want certain foods - With the emphasis on red meat, most men eat too much protein rather than focus on balance in their diets.

Men are conditioned to eat too much - Compared to women, men are served more and are expected to eat more than women. "We learn to eat a lot when we're young," says Brooker, "we're told that it's manly and that we need to eat as much as we can because we're growing." And this becomes of lifelong habit.

Men aren't taught to think about their weight - Men don't think about their weight unless it affects their health, sex life or job. And this often means that significant weight-gain has already happened.

Society overlooks men's weight - Men often don't face the same scrutiny and pressures as women to be thin - and this allows them to convince themselves that nothing is wrong.

Men believe that working out will keep the weight off - A few weeks "sweating it off" in the gym is no replacement for proper eating habits. And without a balanced diet, men still face the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Men don't read labels - "A basic understanding of food labels is crucial to weight management," says Brooker. Men, compared to women, don't read the nutritional information on the food they eat.

Harvey Brooker is the author of It's Different for Men: The Men's Weight-Loss Strategy for Health, Wealth, and Sexual Vitality and the founder of Harvey Brooker's Weight Loss for Men, the only all men's weight-loss organization in North America.

For more information, please contact:
Deborah Guichelaar,
Tel: 416-236-4433 x53013

Source: PRWeb

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